Before and After

Yup, I am going to post a SOOC shot (straight out of camera). The wonderful thing about this shot was that I have a pretty good after to go with it! This portrait is of sweet baby Mizuki and her parents. I took this shot in their bedroom. I did not have alot of options for backdrops as the blank wall would of been great, but the light was not right. If I do remember correctly, the clouds were starting to cover up whatever sun we had. This is why shooting natural light indoors is so hard to do. Lack of light! Anyway, the SOOC stats are...ISO 2500 (eek!), 1/160 at f2.8. It is not the sharpest pic of the bunch, it was incredibly noisy, but really the only family pic we got.
So I had tons of post processing work on this portrait. First, I deleted all the stuff in the background, just had to erase it all. I wanted to cover up any little faults would see with the erasing (seams and blotches) so I added a texture, erased it where I did not want it, change the opacity. Then I ran a noise filter, sharpened. I cropped it up nicely too. Done! :) Of course this was my first time ever attempting anything like this, so there is a mistake. So therefore this is not the final draft. Plus, I am not too keen on the texture I selected. Back to the drawing board for me! I will post the final when I am all finished. :)